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Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
It is published Quarterly in English
ISSN : 2288-9752 [Online]
ISSN : 2288-9744 [Print]
Tel: +82-33-250-8342
Fax: +82-33-259-5618
E-mail: jfs@kangwon.ac.kr
Sung Ho Kil
Kangwon National University
Managing Editor
Song Yi Han
Kangwon National University
View Full Editorial Board
The Journal of Forest and Environmental Science (JFES) is an open access, international peer-reviewed journal that is published Quarterly (March, June, September and December) by the Institute of Forest Science and financed by Kangwon National University and the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Grant funded by Korean Government. The JFES publishes original research and commentary on the topic of forest sciences, as well as reviews of previously published research on a wide number of topics. The JFES encourages submission of papers related to forest sciences, including Forest Management and Economics, Forest Resources and Ecology, Forest and Environmental Protection (Pathology, Fire, Damage, Disturbance, Pollution, etc.), Forest Biomaterials Engineering, Paper Science and Engineering, Forest Landscape Planning and Design, Wildlife Management and Genomics, Systematics and Biogeography, Forest Recreation (Ecotheraphy, Green Tourism, etc.), Plant Ecophysiology, Plant Molecular Biology and Technology, and other forest-related topics. Manuscripts should be submitted in English. All submission should be made online at the Journal's online submission site at https://jofs.or.kr.

Research areas of interest to The Journal of Forest and Environmental Science include:
  • Forest Management and Economics
  • Forest Resources and Ecology
  • Forest and Environmental Protection (Pathology, Fire, Damage, Disturbance, Pollution, etc.)
  • Forest Biomaterials Engineering
  • Paper Science and Engineering
  • Forest Landscape Planning and Design
  • Wildlife Management and Genomics
  • Systematics and Biogeography
  • Forest Recreation (Ecotheraphy, Green Tourism, etc.)
  • Plant Ecophysiology
  • Plant Molecular Biology and Technology
  • Forest Operation and Engineering
  • Others forest-related topics
Types of contribution
Journal of Forest and Environmental Science is one of the international journals in forestry and publishes articles in English on any aspect of forest research in five formats: Article: Original research papers (regular papers), original and previously unpublished research or development of a theory or technique that has resulted from a completed major study leading to a significant extension of knowledge. Short communication: Preliminary publication of particularly novel and significant findings. Rapid communication: A rapid communication is intended for the rapid publication of a timely and significant work. When submitting a communication, authors must explain why its importance or timeliness justifies accelerated processing. Note: A short report on small research, newly-developed technique or simple survey. Review: A critical synthesis of information on an important topic is planned and invited by the Editorial Board.

Related Sites
Kangwon National University
College of Forest and Environmental Sciences
Institute of Forest Science
News and Announcements
Retraction: Status of Exotic Flora in Kashmir Valley
J For Environ Sci 2012;28:8-11.
The Editorial Board of The Journal of Forest and Environmental Science (JFES) received a report on December 12, 2021, from Dr. Shabana Aslam, Cluster National University. The original paper titled ‘Exotic Ornamental Flora of Kashmir Valley-An overview’ was published in New York Science Journal 2010: 3(5).
Research Ethics Integrity Committee of Institute of Forest Science, Kangwon National University had found the significant falsifications in the paper.
Accordingly, the Editorial Board of The Journal of Forest and Environmental Science (JFES) conducted several board meetings, external expert audits, and received author’s explanations. The author (Murtaza Shah) admitted the plagiarism and expressed apology. Based on the discussion, the Editorial Board of JFES finally decided to retract the paper “Status of exotic flora in Kashmir valley”, and the retraction decision was notified to the relevant researchers and institutions.
We, the Editorial Board of JFES seriously take this research ethics violation. We genuinely apologize to the reviewers, editors who devoted their time and endeavor to evaluate the article and the forest and environmental science community.
The JFES publishes four issues per year from 2012
The JFES changes its publication schedule now. The journal has published three times per year (April, August and December) until now. From Vol. 28 (2012), however, the journal publishes four issues (February, May, August and November).
The JFES applies no publication charge to eligible articles from the developing world.
Publication fees can be a barrier to publish many eligible articles from developing or underdeveloped countries. The JFES offers a complete fee waiver for authors who can't cover publication fees.
Articles Published Online Ahead of Print
Articles that have been fully copy-edited and peer-reviewed are published online through our Article in Press before the print edition of this journal is published.
Online Open Access Journal
The JFES articles are open access and available free for all readers
Article Highlights
Crown Ratio Models for Tectona grandis (Linn. f) Stands in Osho Forest Reserve, Oyo State, Nigeria
Adesoye P.O., Popoola F.S.1 and Adesoye P.O.2,*
Journal of Forest Science 2012 ; 28(2): 63-67
© 2011. The Journal of Forest and Environmental Science in Korea.
Institute of Forest Science, Kangwon National University, Chunchon 24341, Korea
Tel) +82-33-250-8342   Fax) +82-33-259-5618   E-mail : jfs@kangwon.ac.kr   Powered by INFOrang Co., Ltd