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Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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 Original Articles 
Crown Ratio Models for Tectona grandis (Linn. f) Stands in Osho Forest Reserve, Oyo State, Nigeria
Popoola F.S.1 and Adesoye P.O.2,*
Journal of Forest Science 2012 May; 28(2): 63-67
 Regular Article 
Study on Aboveground Biomass of Pinus sylvesris var. mongolica Plantation Forest in Northeast China Based on Prediction Equations
Weiwei Jia*, Lu Li and Fengri Li
Journal of Forest Science 2012 May; 28(2): 68-74
Preference and Consumption Pattern of Horticultural Species in the Offshore Homestead Forest of Bangladesh
Kazi Mohammad Masum1,*, Abdullah Al Mamun2, Mohammad Mamun-Or-Rashid3, M. M. Abdullah-Al-Mamun4 and Mohammad Nabidul Islam5
Journal of Forest Science 2012 May; 28(2): 75-83
Indigenous Plant Utilization and Farming System of Garo Tribe in North-East Bangladesh: a Means of Sustainable Biodiversity Conservation
Md. Habibur Rahman and Most. Jannatul Fardusi*
Journal of Forest Science 2012 May; 28(2): 84-96
The Effects of Drought on Forest and Forecast of Drought by Climate Change in Gangwon Region
Hee Mun Chae, Sangsin Lee* and Gi Jeung Um
Journal of Forest Science 2012 May; 28(2): 97-105
Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis of Gangwon Provincial Forest Sector in Response to Climate Change
Hee Mun Chae, Hyun Ju Lee and Gi Jeung Um*
Journal of Forest Science 2012 May; 28(2): 106-117
Flora of the Coastal Forests on the Same Latitude of East and West Coast in Korea
Nam-Young Kim, Hye-Jin Choi, Young-Seol Kim, Hak-Bong Lee, Ho-Jun Son and Wan-Geun Park*
Journal of Forest Science 2012 May; 28(2): 118-136
 Short Communication 
Bird Distribution in Relation to Forest Types in Gwangneung Forest
Young Soo Kwon1, Sung Keun Park2, Geun Yeoun Hwang3 and Miran Kim4,*
Journal of Forest Science 2012 May; 28(2): 137-141
© 2011. The Journal of Forest and Environmental Science in Korea.
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